Friday, August 19, 2011

Two down, two to go, three days, six days...

Syllabi for two classes, done. Two more to go, and three days in which to do them. Lesson plans - that's another story... You'd think I would have more done, considering I've been preparing for classes for two months. I doesn't seem to matter how much (or little) time I have in which to do something, I'm always doing it at the last minute.

On a happier note - six days and counting until we have our OWN HOME!!!!! Already have some experiments improvements in the planning stages.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Last week of 'freedom'....

I have one more week of vacation to enjoy, followed by new employee orientation (4 days) and faculty retreat (1 day - but we don't actually 'retreat' - it's on campus). Classes start on August 23rd. I have an office AND furniture. Just need a few more touches (decorating a la Liz) and a few file cabinets for all my paper files. House closing still scheduled for 26th. Keep fingers crossed.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The light at the end of the tunnel...

Fire Marshall walked through the building yesterday and blessed it for human occupation. Learned that my office furniture is being delivered tomorrow. Talked to the facilities manager and he's scheduled his guys to pick up my boxes upon boxes of books, etc. and haul them up to my office.

Just got an email from my department chair - he's unloading MORE advisees onto my lap, including some he classified as "pieces of work."

Classes start in three weeks!

So that light . . . appears to be the oncoming train!